There is also something special in the acceptance of gifts. 接受礼物时可能也有一些特别的地方。
The guarantee of the genuineness, accuracy and integrity of contents of the Special Financial Statement and the acceptance to bear legal liabilities by the board of directors and the management. 董事会和管理层对专题财务报告所载内容真实、准确、完整、合规的保证和承担法律责任的承诺。
At the same time, Wallace still special close friends set up for the message board, let you express intention, record the love their acceptance speech. 同时,华莱士还特别贴心地为朋友们设立了留言板,让你抒写心意,记录爱的感言。
Based the performance of silk and cotton, this newly developed knitted fabric as special outlook and unique style after dyed, and is enjoying greater acceptance amongst various consumers. 根据真丝、棉两种纤维的性能与针织面料的特点交织的新颖针织面料,经过染色后处理,产生独特的外观效应,面料独具风格,受消费者的欢迎。
The documents deserve special acclaim and universal acceptance. 这些标准文件值得普遍采纳及特别重视。
Because of the importance and special position to domestic economy and many people's acceptance of power industry's monopoly in the past, reform progress in China's power industry was very sluggish. 但由于电力工业在国民经济中的重要性和特殊性,以及人们以前对其自然垄断地位的认同,使得电力工业的改革进展缓慢。
And many scholars, like Susan Herring, Rodney Jones, have analyzed the special features of the Internet language, as the result of the general acceptance and adoption of the new form by more and more people in CMC. 由于这种新的语言形式逐渐被人们在网络交际中认可和使用,后来,更多的学者,象SusanHerring,RodneyJones等,更进一步分析了网络语言的语言特征。
The crime of joint acceptance of bribes is a special form of bribery. It is more complex than the solitary acceptance of bribes, and it is also an outstanding character in the current bribery crime. 受贿罪共犯是受贿罪的一种特殊形式,它比单独受贿更错综复杂,是当前受贿犯罪的一个显著特点。
Duras has got a special place in Chinese literature acceptance and research. 杜拉斯在中国的文学接受和研究中具有特殊的地位。
An analysis of this may serve as a retrospect of the history, and reveal something special from the acceptance of classic Chinese literature. 从分析中我们可以对唐代历史作一个侧面的观照,也能够从中解读出中国古代文学接受的某些特殊之处。
Amplification itself is a special way of acceptance that suggests the aesthetic taste of the middle and late Ming Dynasty scholars. 增益行为本身是对《玉台新咏》的一种特殊的接受方式,体现了中晚明士人的审美趣尚。
Third, Jin Shengtan combined criticism and appreciation together, using a kind of special form to criticize and assess the dramas and novels, and brought it to literary acceptance theories. 第三,金圣叹的戏曲小说评点将批评和鉴赏结合在一起,是一种独特的批评形式和鉴赏形式,也是一种独特的文学接受理论形式。
The analysis on causes for diverting funds of special use for highway construction by construction companies being acceptance of the bid are carried out in this article, with indicating the harmful consequences to construction project and adverse effect on society due to diverting funds. 分析了专款专用的公路建设资金被中标施工企业挤占挪用的原因,以及挤占挪用后对建设项目所造成的不良后果和给社会带来的负面影响。
The pressure vessel is a kind of special equipment that can possibly cause accidents such as explosion and poisoning. The design, manufacture, inspection and acceptance of pressure vessel need to be strictly based on relevant standards. 压力容器是一种可能引起爆炸或中毒等危害性较大事故的特种设备,其设计、制造、检验与验收需要严格依照相关标准。
The article reviews the impact of movie adaption as a special acceptance method on modern authors, literature text, literature style and audience aesthetic from creation subject, literature text and acceptance subject. 本文主要从创作主体、文学文本和接受主体三个角度考察电影改编作为一种特殊的接受方式对当代作家、文学文体和受众审美选择的影响。
Account of his outstanding achievements in poetry and the special coordinate in the history of poetry development, the acceptance of Yu Xin has been throughout the development process of Tang poem nearly three hundred years. 由于庾信本身杰出的诗歌成就以及他在诗歌发展史上所处的特殊坐标,对于庾信的接受一直贯穿于唐诗近三百年的发展过程中。
In this part, it also analyzed the main contradictory factors that affected the development of Chinese literature in the special condition in China, which impacted the acceptance and variations of European literature. 同时也提出了影响中国文学发展的几大矛盾因素,这些构成了中国的特殊情境,影响着对欧洲的接纳和变异。
Since China and the former Soviet Union had special historical relationship, the acceptance of "Quiet Flows the Don" in contemporary China has gone through an unusual way. 由于我国与前苏联有过特殊的历史关系,《静静的顿河》在当代中国的接受走过了不寻常的道路。